Is Gaddafi being crucified for a double-cross of gold?

The Daily Bell – Gaddafi Planned Gold Dinar, Now Under Attack

Nothing about the current adventure in American imperialism in Libya has made sense to me until now. Why was the US siding with Al Queda and the rebels in Libya to topple the man who just recently was brought in out of the cold? After paying 1.5 billion dollars in reparations for terrorism, I thought that all was forgiven. What with all of the hugging going on between him and his new best friends Brown and Berlusconi, I had assumed that all was forgiven. Now suddenly out of the sands come some rebels who want to topple Gaddafi and the US flies to their aid. What’s up with that?

Nothing the US has given in the form of an excuse for ordering a fourth war front, I mean, kinetic military action, has made any sense. Now it all makes sense. A gold based Dinar for Africa, especially with the gold rush going on now in West Africa would destabilize the Western house of cards even more. They have plans that don’t include African upstarts and that includes they former new best friend.

The Daily Bell – Gaddafi Planned Gold Dinar, Now Under Attack.

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