Calvin Study Group

We are working our way through Richard Baxter’s Christian Directory. We are in Chapter One of his Christian Ethics and covered Directions XI through XVI. These Directions pertain to unconverted, graceless sinners. They are full of good material for presenting the claims of Christ to the unconverted. If anyone were able to convert a sinner by piling up reasons for repentance then Baxter could have done it. He works relentlessly at all the weak spots in the defenses of the Hell-bound stripping them of every plausable excuse and presenting the terrors of the terrible predicament that they are in.

His approach is compatible with Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron’s approach to evangelism. I have been studying their methods and watching the examples of street evangelism that are posted on YouTube. Last week we took a break from Baxter and watched “Hell’s Best Kept Secret”

Tonight, after reading Baxter we watched a couple of examples of Comfort and Cameron witnessing.

This one:

and also this one:

I think that these are very good examples of how to witness to strangers. I think that this is a proper use of the law and the gospel and the way they go about holding the mirror of the law up to the unbelievers bypasses a lot of useless argumentation and attacks the conscience leading (prayerfully) to conviction, repentance and conversion, God willing.

While we are on this material in the first chapter, I plan to show a couple of these examples of witnessing each week to get us used to this method and I hope get us comfortable with having such conversations with those whom God happens to send our way. I pray for more zeal, boldness and wisdom in presenting the good news of the kingdom to those who are lost and in peril.